Ye Ole' Goat
We once had a goat
who arrived on a boat
from England, they did say.
And when we'd get near
he'd pop up one ear
and glare till we went away.
He'd eat grass all day.
Wouldn't touch hay.
He was picky as Englanders are.
He walked mighty straight
with an uppity gait
Not even a bump or a jar.
I thought in my mind,
it would be so kind
if I loosened this goat just a bit.
He would feel right divine
with some homemade moonshine.
I confirmed my thought with a spit.
I waited till night
and went by moonlight
to a place on top of the hill.
I knew it was there
and with extreme care
went right to my Grandpappy's still.
I took a brown jug,
which had a cork and a plug
and commenced on back down the trail.
Found the goat fast asleep,
so I didn't make a peep
while I filled up his waterin' pail.
As I went to bed,
good thoughts filled my head.
Might proud of my wonderful favor.
I'l go to sleep now.
Rest up for my bow
which would be all mine to savor.
I woke with a jolt.
Out of bed with a bolt
'cause my daddy was doin' some cussin'.
I looked out the door.
My knees hit the floor
as I saw the reason for his fussin.
I saw that ole' goat
who had started to bloat,
and a smile he did casually wear.
A grin I did hide.
He was on his backside
with his legs stickin' up in the air.